Promoting Healing by Raising Vibration

Whether is mental, emotional, physical or spiritual, I am here to help you clear away those issues that are giving you great suffering. As a result, you will be able to find wellbeing and move forward in your life with the right tools and the right direction for YOU

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Love for the sake of Loving

Back in July, 26, 2016, as I was waking up from a dream, I saw the image of a man curled up, alone and crying. Then, I saw this leaf connected to this very tall and beautiful tree. Thick trunk, long branches, abundantly covered in leaves. The leaf saw the man crying and knew, he did not have suffer like that. The leaf wanted so much to show that man the love we are all connected too.  So the leaf asked to go down to show the man crying the kind of love we are all connected to.  

I saw the leaf coming down and it fell right near me, but I ignored it. I thought the leaf was dead because it disconnected itself from the tree. This great sadness came over me but then I heard the leaf say:

“Don’t ignore me, I saw you admiring and calling forth the presence of the tree so I jumped down to be with you so that you can experience a piece of the love that the tree has for you. I came down for you”

At that moment, I realized I was both, the man crying and the falling leaf.  I thought of the great sacrifice the leaf made, separating itself from the tree just to be near me for a fleeting moment in time. But, to the leaf, it was no sacrifice at all. The desire, of coming down was completely out of innocence and pure love. 

I had to cry but my tears were tears of tenderness. I felt both, the sorrow of people calling for love and the compassion of the people responding to those calls. Then, I truly understood from deep within what all of us Light Workers are and came here to do.

It was a tender and powerful moment. It was the moment I realized we, Light Workers are here to love for the sake of loving and give for the sake of giving. No agendas, no expectations, no two way transactions. The treasure we brought here was meant to be given away completely until our time to leave arrives. 

In this world, there are people who are truly lost.  They have forgotten completely that we are connected to a powerful source that emanates unconditional and abundant Love.  They have gotten too lost in their suffering and cannot find a way out and the only way out is to show them that pure unconditional love does exist.  That, will make them remember.

For this reason, I made a vow to become One Less Threat to the World. It is how us Light Workers can serve the best. 

Yes, I see the world.  I see injustices, I see suffering, I see famine, I see violence, I see sickness, I see exploitation. I see it all and as an Empath, I feel it all too. But as Light Workers, we did not come here to fix it or to fight it or change it.  We came here to Love.  Our love does the work not our effort.  
Our love heals. 
Our love lifts others up. 
Our love creates peace.
Our love encourages. 
Our love creates beauty.
Our love nurtures.
Our love honors. 
Our love awakens!

Our love guides people out of their darkness to help them remember they also have that same kind of love inside. 

Our purpose is to love. Our job is to not forget the kind of love we are capable to give and give it for the sake of giving. After all, there is more where that came from and we have to remember, we are only here for a fleeting moment in time. An eternity of Love awaits us once our purpose here is done. 

This article is the property of Mariela Siwarqinti. No one may alter and/or reproduce it in any way without the express written permission of Mariela Siwarqinti.

 Mariela Siwarqinti, Healing Facilitator
Reiki ~ Pranic Healing ~ Archangelic Light ~ Rites of Passage Shamanic Ceremonies ~ Dream Interpretation ~ Spiritual Insight ~ Tarot/Intuitive readings ~ Munay-Ki Rites ~ Meditation Guidance ~ Local or long-distance services
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  1. Mariela, this is absolutely beautiful! Thank you for writing and sharing this. You have issued a call to us all to remember why we are here; to remember we are here to love and help. Sometimes it is difficult, but we can not help by arguing and hating. Thank you for issuing the call to action, to remember and not forget who we are and why we are. Thank you my friend and teacher. Elaine Estes

    1. Thank you for reading and for your kind words Elaine. We all need reminders, specially during these intense times.
      Be well!

  2. Beautifully expressed. Loved the unconditional love of the leaf and the powerful message. ❤️❤️
