Patterns are nothing but hard-core habits and habits are
nothing but repetitive actions. However, all these habits/patterns exist so
that harmony and balance can prevail. All patterns work harmoniously. They may not be of benefit to everyone or
every living being but they all work harmoniously to achieve balance.
Most patterns are created at an unconscious level but all of
them are perceived at an intuitive level.
The only reason I say “MOST” is because through out the ages
we have demonstrated to work at an unconscious level. For example, when we learn to drive a car we
put 100% of our attention into learning how to drive the car; in other words,
we act “consciously”, but once we learn how to drive a car then we shift to
unconscious mode to drive it. How many
of you catch yourself driving and not remembering how you got there because
your mind was somewhere else? You were
not focusing your attention on driving but you were driving unconsciously.
The shift from unconscious to conscious is simply on the
focusing. Once you focus your attention,
you start working consciously. Most patterns
are created unconsciously but if we focus our attention, we can create patterns
consciously. We have the power to do
so. However, ALL patterns have one main task
in common: They work harmoniously to achieve balance. You can choose to create a pattern
consciously but until harmony and balance are achieved , all the elements that
you try to affect with the new pattern are going to suffer because they are
going to resist, and then they will either cease to exist or allow and move
along. For example: The number one New
Year’s resolution is? ”To lose some weight”.
What is needed to lose weight? Changing
an eating pattern and/or adding an exercising pattern.